
Opal Beast Avatar Base

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Opal Beast Avatar Base

14 ratings

"At the edge of the Universe they resided, silent and isolated. Now after all this time, they are here..."

I am so excited to bring to you my very first Public Avatar available for VRChat and ChilloutVR(soon™); The Opal Beast!

Inspired by some of my favourite avatar bases created by incredible artists, The Opal Beast is a fully realised, stylised model, made with love and attention. Originally slated to be my personal model, I was convinced by friends and personal pride in my work to release it to the public.

The Base Features:

  • A Fully featured version
    • Radial Menu Body Customisation
    • Control Menu
  • A Basic version
    • Stripped-down menu and animator layers.
  • Body Sliders and Blendshapes
  • Hide Blendshapes
  • Clothing
    • Crop Top
    • Booty Shorts
    • Leg Warmers
  • Hair Variants
    • Basic Double split Tuffs
    • Single Tuft
    • No front bangs
  • Textures
    • Optimised for performance
      • Uses Poiyomi 8.1 Toon
      • Has backup Standard Shaders if you prefer that!
    • Included additional Variants (Supplied in a separate Unity Package)
      • Whimsical Opal Beast
      • Blue Opal Beast
      • Brown Opal Beast
  • Substance Painter File (.spp)
    • Neatly laid out and named layers for ease of access.
    • Exploded Model
  • Quest Support (Currently unreleased)
  • ChilloutVR Support (Currently Unreleased)

And there is definitely more to come!

Opal Beasts are a space-faring, isolationist, and altruistic species residing peacefully at the very edge of the known Universe, they are intrinsically infatuated by the void beyond our universe's very borders and are guided by the wisdom of a single Opal Beast brood figurehead referred to as The Opulence. That was until very recently; The Opal Beasts seemed to have found something deep in the void. Allegiant, enslaved or entranced, it is unknown, but they are led out into the universe by an entity prominently taking the form of an Opal Beast brood mother. Isolationists no more, the Opal Beasts deliver a void that corrupts all, preaching cultural and personal preservation, altruism and unity in exchange for eternal vassalship. Has their worshipping of the void brought forth incomprehensible horrors from the forever dark?

By purchasing this Opal Beast, you agree to the following Terms of Use

  • You are in no way allowed to Resell or Redistribute the model in any form, be it for free or for a price.
    • You may use parts of this model in a kitbash as long as you do not profit from my work.
    • You absolutely may not redistribute or resell the base files in any capacity.
    • You cannot claim personal credit for the Opal beast.
  • You are strictly prohibited from using the digital asset in commercial applications:
    • This includes but isn't limited to merchandising, paid services, paid media and promotion/advertising without Klaybee's express, writing permission.
    • Promotion of assets made for the Opal Beast is permitted.
    • You are fully permitted to use this model in forms of digital media such as Twitch (or other online live streaming platforms), Youtube, Tik Tok(or other online video-sharing platforms) and Twitter(or other online social media platforms).
  • You are not to remove the promotional credit card mesh or texture in the chest of the Opal Beast when creating public Avatars of the Opal Beast.
    • Any other Opal Beast promotional assets on the Opal such as the Opal Beast logo on the shirt and Klaybee's logo on the Booty Shorts are not included in this rule and can be removed at your own discretion.
    • Public Avatars are permitted.
    • Keeping the credit card on your personal models as well is desired, but not mandatory.
  • You may accept/create texture and asset commissions/products for the Opal Beast.
    • Both(or all) parties must have legal copies of the Opal Beast Avatar Base package.
    • You MAY NOT include any base files in any product made for the Opal beast.
  • You absolutely cannot use the Opal beast in the harassment towards a group of individuals.
    • Including, but not limited to - hate speech, targeted harassment, use of hateful iconography or symbolism.

Thank you to everyone that help me put this together:
Vivi Fae

And thank you to all those that helped and supported me:
Garbage Bunny
8oy of Rock
among many others!

If you like this, you might like the rest of my catalogue! Check it out!

Follow my strange twitter

Please don't forget to rate ★★★★★!

Love you all ♥♥♥

I want this!

Unity Packages (.unitypackage), and a Substance Painter File (.spp). Number listed below in parentheses are clothing included.

Polycount (Tris)
61,480 (69,578)
Skinned Mesh Renderers
1 (4)
4 (6)
Default Physbone Components
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